In Numbers
US$ 8 million (August 2024 – January 2025) net funding requirements
Operational Updates
- In July, after the WFP Executive Board approved the Guinea Country Strategic Plan (2024-2029) in June, WFP CO began implementation, marking a significant step towards shared goals with the Government of Guinea, emphasizing collaborative partnerships.
- On 1 July 2024, the Chinese delegation, represented by the WFP China representative, was welcomed in N’Zérékoré. Alongside the WFP Guinea Deputy Country Director, they handed over agricultural equipment to smallholder farmers from the Zero Hunger Village of Nienh. This is part of a rice value chain project funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, focusing on rice production, processing, and post-harvest management. The project benefits six farmers' groups, including 275 people, 75 percent of whom are women, in Nzérékoré, Gueckedou, and Labé.
- WFP Guinea joined a 2-day seminar in Abidjan on ‘Developing the Rice Value Chain in West Africa.’ Facilitated by CERFAM and the WFP Centre of Excellence in China, this seminar strengthened partnerships, mutual learning, and collaboration among West African countries and development partners, contributing to SDG 2.
- This month, treatment for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) was provided to 882 children aged 6 to 59 months, with a recovery rate of 96 percent. Additionally, the mothers of 3,243 children, aged 6 to 23 months, received sensitization messages on better nutritional practices in the localities of Boké, Labé, Kankan, Faranah, and N’Zérékoré.
- From 20 July to 5 August, WFP assessed its electrical capabilities in Conakry and sub-offices in Nzérékoré, Labé, and Boké to identify necessary electrical safety improvements, and recommend sustainable energy solutions, including advice for Energy Efficiency Programme (EEP) applications. This initiative focuses on enhancing electrical safety and promoting a greener energy transition.
- From 17-19 July, the WFP Country Director and the Guinean government, represented by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Fisheries (MAGEL), participated in the fourth Seminar on China-Africa Rice Value Chain in Chengdu, China. Co-organized by UNOSSC, BMGF, and the WFP Centre of Excellence for Rural Transformation, the event focused on fostering partnerships and exploring financing opportunities in the rice value chain. It brought together stakeholders from China and Africa to discuss investment prospects and showcase successful case studies, promoting sustainable development in the rice sector.
- In July, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) transported a total of 109 passengers (23 women) and 0.8 mt of light cargo between Conakry, Nzérékoré, Siguiri and Kissidougou.