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WFP Guinea Country Brief, August 2024


In Numbers

  • 452 people assisted
  • 2 mt of food assistance distributed
  • US$ 3.4 million six-month net funding requirements (September 2024 - February 2025)

Operational Updates

• Since 24 August, severe flooding in Guinea has affected 5,477 households (more than 27,000 people) and caused extensive infrastructure and agricultural damage in Mandiana, Siguiri, Kouroussa and Boffa prefectures. The Government of Guinea has activated its emergency response mechanisms and is collaborating closely with WFP and other humanitarian organizations to address the needs
of the affected populations.

• To strengthen national capacity and enhance disaster preparedness, WFP has been actively supporting the National Agency for Urban and Community Health (ANGUCH) under the Ministry of Territorial Administration (MATD). This support includes reinforcing the early warning system, conducting rapid field assessments, and developing both national and regional contingency plans.

• WFP participated in meetings with the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) emergency task force and the General Director of ANGUCH to address the situation and discuss how WFP can support the government’s emergency response though a Flash Appeal. The Government of Guinea
has requested the amount of USD 2,327,654 to UN CERF emergency funds for a three-month implementation period.
This fund will assist about the impacted households in Coronthie, Siguiri, Kankan and Coyah.

• WFP supported the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene by providing capacity building to 45 health structures and prefectural nutrition focal points to monitor and prevent chronic malnutrition. This effort included 92 awareness sessions on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) for 3,166 pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well 12 culinary demonstrations to promote nutritious recipes using local

• Thanks to WFP’s advocacy, the Government of Guinea, through the Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, has initiated a taskforce for the National School Feeding Programme. This taskforce will include representatives from several Government ministries, key donors, and international financial institutions.
• In August, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) transported a total of 83 passengers (23 women) and 1.1 mt of light cargo between Conakry, Nzérékoré, Siguiri and Kissidougou in support of the Government and the humanitarian community.