In Numbers
103,186 mt* of food assistance distributed
USD 123,800 cash-based transfers made
USD 19.8 m six months (September 2021-February 2022) net funding requirements
12,040* people assisted in August 2021
Operational Updates
On 9 August, health authorities declared a Marburg Virus Disease outbreak in Temmassadou. It was the first time a Marburg case had ever been detected in West Africa. Logistics assistance was provided through the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) to transport equipment and humanitarian personnel in support of the Government and partners. As of 31 August, the Marburg outbreak appears stable with no confirmed cases since the first reported case. All 173 identified contacts who were quarantined have been released from surveillance with no symptoms. Community surveillance, screening, sensitization,
WASH and health activities continue. -
In August, cash transfers of USD 123,800 were provided to 632 households under the RESIGUI project for their participation in the ongoing activities including land rehabilitation for rice production and warehouse construction.
In addition, moderate acute malnutrition treatment was given to 222 children aged 6-59 months and 2,728 pregnant and lactating women and girls in the region of Nzerekore, Boké, Labé, Faranah and Conakry. -
In August, WPF Guinea assisted eight health centres to strengthen the sensitization and training of women with moderate and acute malnourished children on the methods of preparing nutritious meals incorporating local foods in Kereouane prefecture where WFP stopped distributing specialized nutrition foods this year.
Food and nutrition assistance, including Super Cereal, rice, peas, oil and salt, was provided to 1998 beneficiaries (1370 women and 628 men) living with HIV and Tuberculosis in Labé, Boké Kissidougou, and Faranah.
WFP provided support to the Government of Guinea to finalize its national food system roadmap which outlined its commitments which will be presented at the UN Food Systems Summit on 23 September 2021.
As part of the joint project between WFP, FAO and OHCHR, funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, the rehabilitation of 48 hectares of land for rice production, the construction of four warehouses and the reforestation of 20 hectares of land continued in 24 villages in the prefectures of N’Zérékoré, Lola, Beyla and Yomou. Agricultural inputs (fertilizer, seeds) and equipment were provided to twelve farmer organizations in preparation for the harvesting of 45.5 hectares of land dedicated to rice production.
UNHAS operations are still ongoing with a total of 89 passengers and 2,206 light cargo transported in August to N’zérékoré and Kankan in support of the Government and partners.