In Numbers
906 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 00 cash-based transfers made
US$ 5 m six months (September 2019-Feburary 2020) net funding requirements
104,864 m people assisted in August 2019
Operational Updates
• The smallholder agriculture market support (SAMS) strategy to guide programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation for the period of 2019-2022 has been finalized.
• WFP’s SAMS unit evaluated and updated the needs of farmers organizations supported with training and agricultural equipment for crop production, storage, handling and transformation. The purchase and distribution of farming equipment to 15 farmers organizations at a value of more than USD 70,000 has been prioritised.
• WFP is finalizing the planning for the school year 2019-2020 at the country office level.
• WFP is collecting the GPS coordinates of school canteen in Boké districts and monitoring closing stock in school canteens in Nzerekoré sub-office.
• Treatment and prevention activities against chronic malnutrition is ongoing in the region of Labe and Kankan accompanied by focus group sessions with social and behavioural change communication.
• Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) for children aged 6-59 months and ARV patients along with their households continues in the region of Labe,
Nzérékoré and Conakry.
• WFP, along with a national consultant, followed up data analysis on food and nutritional vulnerability survey. The draft report is expected at the end of September 2019.