This last week, Guinea identified five new confirmed Ebola cases, bringing the total for the month to six. The new cases come from Ratoma and Dixinn districts in Conakry, and Forécariah. WHO has identified more than 300 new contact cases across the country.
As of 29 September 2015, the six confirmed cases and eight suspected cases have been hospitalized in Guinea in Conakry and Forécariah.
Following the four confirmed cases in Forécariah, UNICEF is supporting national efforts to conduct a micro-containment in the two affected villages of Kiterin and Tana in the sub-prefecture of Kaliyah.
The first round of a polio immunization campaign conducted from 16-19 September 2015 reached 1,182,252 children in four regions of Guinea. The second round is currently underway from 28 September-1 October 2015. The third round covering the whole country is scheduled from 16 to 19 October 2015.
UNICEF delivered 113 household WASH kits, 500 long lasting insecticidal nets and 200 five liter jerricans to cover the basic needs of the communities affected by a landslide which occurred in Boffa on 7 September 2015.
A chronic malnutrition prevention project has been launched on 19 September 2015 in Mali prefecture in the north of Guinea by the local NGO “Union pour le dévelopment integré et durable”, with support from UNICEF. The project will focus on providing services and education for pregnant and lactating women as well as mothers of children under five.