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UNICEF Guinea Ebola Situation Report, 28 October 2015



· There were six new confirmed cases of Ebola in the past two weeks, bringing the total number of confirmed cases since the start of the outbreak to 3,350. (WHO SitRep, 25 October 2015). The number of confirmed deaths rose to 2,082.

· Most of the new confirmed cases were in Forécariah. As such, UNICEF is supporting the National Coordination for the Ebola Response in conducting a 21-day micro-containment campaign in five villages in Tana district starting on 22 October 2015. 100 households will be visited by social mobilizers who will sensitize inhabitants about the disease and distribute WASH kits. UNICEF will also construct two water points to provide residents with access to clean drinking water and to improve overall hygiene. In addition to the micro-containment campaign, UNICEF is also involved in conducting a separate campaign to sensitize the population of 30 nearby villages and to identify other people who may be in contact with other sick individuals.

· The Ministry of Health validated a three-year accelerated plan to eliminate new paediatric HIV infections in infants while keeping their mothers alive. By 2017, the plan aims to cut new HIV paediatric infection rates by 90 per cent, and the number of maternal and child deaths due to HIV by at least 50 per cent. This is an important component of the post-Ebola recovery plan for health services.

· Through play and recreation sessions, UNICEF and partners have provided psychosocial support to 130,922 children who have been affected by Ebola. UNICEF has also provided cash transfers to help cover the cost of food and clothes to 5,606 children who have lost one or both parents due to Ebola (out of 6,193 registered).

· UNICEF and Education Cluster partners are preparing for the reopening of schools for the new academic year on 9 November 2015. UNICEF has engaged religious leaders and broadcasters in the back-to-school campaign, stressing the importance of education. UNICEF has also purchased and delivered school supplies for nearly 438,000 students in 19 prefectures and is supplying soap for 12 prefectures to ensure the return to school is safe.