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UNICEF Guinea Ebola Situation Report, 25 March 2015



  • The total number of confirmed cases of Ebola rose to 3,011 this week, according to WHO’s Epidemiological Situation Report. The total number of confirmed, suspected and probable cases climbed to 3,429. The number of confirmed deaths from Ebola rose to 1,865, with a total of 2,263 confirmed, suspected and probable deaths.

  • As previously reported, the National Coordination for the Ebola Response, together with UNICEF and other partners, have put in place a one-month Interim Plan running until 15 April 2015 during which it is intensifying its activities in six prefectures with the highest number of new cases. UNICEF is supporting the Plan and its main activities that cover social mobilization, community engagement and hygiene promotion.

  • UNICEF this week increased its presence in Conakry by establishing social mobilization hubs – or “partner platforms” – at the heart of each commune. They are intended to encourage onthe-ground cooperation and partnerships for better implementation of this Interim Plan.

  • The Guinean Scouts are key rapid response partners and are also involved in the Interim Plan. This week, they conducted sensitization campaigns in Coyah, Forécariah, Dubréka and Boffa.
    Since 2 March 2015, UNICEF, in partnership with the Scouts, have distributed 11,476 household WASH kits.

  • Social mobilization teams continued their efforts to sensitize the population about Ebola countrywide, reaching 29,847 people this week.

  • As results of UNICEF and partners’ social mobilization efforts in Forécariah, two schools which had remained closed due to community resistance to adopting safe back-to-school protocols are now open in Fendéfodéya and Beta. Primary school attendance also increased this week.