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UNICEF Guinea Ebola Situation Report, 23 December 2015



  • As of 20 December 2015, Guinea had reached Day 34 of the countdown and remains on track to be declared Ebola free on 29 December 2015. There has been no new case of Ebola for 52 days, keeping the total of confirmed cases at 3,351.

  • Following the engagement of the Ministry of Education for a massive enrolment of children in first grade, UNICEF is supporting community initiatives to build up to 18 sheds, which are semi-permanent learning spaces, to increase enrolment rates and benefit more than 900 children in the prefecture of Koundara.

  • In support to the third round of polio immunization campaign held at the beginning of December 2015, in addition to radio advocacy messages, UNICEF deployed 3,000 social mobilizers who reached some 256,823 households composed of 508,224 women and 439,635 men, through door to door visits. Out of 2,841 reported cases of refusal, 2,079 were successfully resolved.

  • On 11-12 December 2015, UNICEF conducted capacity building sessions to share the new Harmonized Cash Transfers (HACT) procedures with relevant organizations. This workshop gathered 68 participants from 34 NGOs (10 internationals and 24 nationals) who are now better prepared to use programme documents and report on activities.


3,804 Cases of Ebola (3,351 confirmed)

2,536 Deaths (2,083 confirmed)

749 Cases among children 0-17 (confirmed)

519 Deaths of children and youth aged 0-17 (confirmed)

4,350,633 Children in affected areas since the beginning of the epidemic

134,560 Children received psychosocial support

USD 142 million UNICEF funding needs until December 2015

USD 33 million UNICEF funding gap (23%)