The total number of confirmed cases of Ebola rose to 2,871 this week, according to WHO’s Epidemiological Situation Report. The total number of confirmed, suspected and probable cases rose to 3,285. The number of confirmed deaths from Ebola gained to 1,778, with confirmed, suspected and probable deaths rising to 2,170.
The Rural Radio station in Forécariah was inaugurated on 7 March 2015 in the presence of the Prime Minister and UNICEF Representative in Guinea.
Guinea continued to respond to the measles outbreak. Initial vaccination campaigns slated to last six days in Gaoual and Koundara were prolonged because of difficulties in reaching children in remote areas. The aim is to vaccinate 95 per cent of the total number of targeted children.
This week, UNICEF and partners distributed 12,142 household WASH kits (bucket with tap and soap) benefitting 84,994 people in Ebolaaffected areas. This brings the total number of household WASH kits distributed to 150,669 and the total number of beneficiaries to 1.54 million.
C4D coordinators and social mobilizers continued their work educating the population about Ebola, this week reaching 11,891 individuals through door-to-door calls, school visits, educational talks and mass sensitization sessions.
UNICEF’s protection team set up and trained the members of six new community counsels for the protection of children this week bringing the total number to 432 out of the 500 planned.