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UNICEF Guinea COVID-19 Situation Report No. 16: 3 September to 7 October 2020


Situation in Numbers

10,901 COVID-19 Confirmed cases

68 deaths

2,900,460 Children affected by COVID-19 school closures

US$ 9,821,858 Funding GAP

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

As of 7 October 2020, 10,901 confirmed COVID19 cases were registered in Guinea, including 10,232 recoveries and 68 deaths, with a total of 126,641 tests performed.

The Government has ordered the reopening of mosques, churches and leisure places.

Ahead of the presidential elections campaign, UNICEF supported government in developing COVID-19 prevention messages targeting political parties’ leaders and their militants. The National Health Security Agency (ANSS) has held advocacy meetings with presidential candidates to secure their support and commitment to COVID-19 prevention measures during the election period.