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Guinea: Floods in Siguiri - Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA), DREF Operation MDRGN013


A. Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

On the night of Monday 30th to Tuesday 31st of August 2021, heavy rain fell over most of the country causing flooding in the prefectures of Siguiri, Guéckédou, and the capital Conakry. This situation has affected 69,671 people, or 9,953 households, with 1,972 homeless people, 21 injured and 05 deaths recorded.

Following the information received from the local committees, the most affected areas are:

(a) Siguiri with 43,815 people affected or 6,280 households in the districts mentioned below:

  • Heremakonon, ORS, Teleladji, Cité chinoise, Énergie neighbourhoods

  • Sub-prefectures / Districts: Malea, Djomabana, Kintignia, Boukaria, Kofilani, Balato Niandankoro and Mandjemakolen.

(b) Guéckédou with 9,305 people affected, or 1,364 households in the districts: Frako 1, Bambino 1, Mangala 1, Heremakono, Nioumoulè, Bafilatè, Nialinko, Bambo and the Sub-prefecture of Nongoa.

(c) Conakry with 16,551 people affected, or 2,309 households in the places mentioned below:

  • Matoto Municipality (Yimbaya permanence, Tanéné Mosque, Simbaya1, GBessia Port 2, Dabondy 2, Dabondy 3, Sangoyah Mosque)

  • Ratoma Municipality (Hamdallaye, Nongo, Lambangni, Yattaya and Taouyah) ;

  • Matam Municipality (Bonfi marché, Heremakono mosquée, Coléah Cité, and Madina SIG);

  • Dixinn Municipality (Dixinn centre 2, Dixinn gare, Kénien, and Hafia 2).

Following these floods, the Prefectural Committees of the Red Cross of Guéckédou and Siguiri, and the Communal Committees of the Red Cross of Conakry, through their Community Disaster Response Teams (CDRT / ECRC) coordinated by members of the National Disaster Response Team (NDRT) with the agreement of the prefectural, subprefectural, communal and neighbourhood authorities, each deployed 50 volunteers and 05 Supervisors who conducted the assessments in the various localities above.

The preliminary assessments indicated that a total of 9,953 households, i.e., 69,671 people affected including 16,087 men; 36,228 women (including 1,328 pregnant women and 3,795 breastfeeding women); 17,356 children aged 0 to 5; 256 people with disabilities; 1,295 elderly people; 57 injured; 867 houses destroyed; 2,562 displaced people; 763 water points destroyed; 103 host families; 21 resettlement sites and 964 latrines destroyed. There are also, huge impacts on agriculture and animal husbandry which have also been recorded.

Affected people and the authorities are seeking the support of people of good will and humanitarian organizations. Tables annexed to this report provide a summary of the number of people affected.