In Numbers
134 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 1.7 m six months (June-November 2021) net funding requirements, representing 33% of total
88,622 people assisted In May 2021
Operational Updates
• On 11 May, WFP and the National Civil Protection Service (SNPC) organized two parallel inauguration ceremonies in Bissau and Gabu to launch a fourmonths cash assistance for vulnerable households who lost their houses and crops following floods and strong winds in July-October 2020. In total, 851 households across the country (7,000 people) received their first monthly allowance of CFA 40,000 (around USD 72).
• On 26 May, a landmark debt-swap agreement was signed by the Government of Guinea-Bissau, the Kingdom of Spain and WFP in Guinea-Bissau. The Government of Spain agreed to cancel a debt of USD 12 million, at the condition that USD 6.7 million will be invested by the Government of Guinea-Bissau to support WFP’s nutrition activities in the country. The funding, which will be spread over the course of eight years starting from May 2022, provides unprecedented long-term stable support to WFP’s nutrition programme It will be used to a) provide direct food and nutrition assistance to 96,000 under-five children suffering from moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) and 500 food insecure people living with HIV and their families; and b) to develop and implement a social and behavioural change communication strategy aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying causes of malnutrition.
• WFP provided capacity strengthening to 58 health technicians (24 men and 34 women) working in health and nutrition centres in Oio, Bafatá and Gabu regions to improve their management of MAM treatment.
• Under its resilience building activities in rural communities, WFP provided capacity strengthening to partner NGO COPE staff on how to organize and monitor rehabilitation activities. Moreover, WFP organised an information session for 47 beneficiaries from the village of Camadjaba in Gabu to explain the functioning of cash-based transfers.
• WFP continues to provide supply chain support to the High Commissioner for COVID-19, receiving, storing and delivering personal protective equipment, medical equipment, medicines and hospital lab supplies to health structures around the country. As of 1 June,
Guinea-Bissau had recorded 3,770 cases of COVID-19, including 68 deaths.