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WFP Guinea-Bissau Country Brief, June 2021


In Numbers

159.3 mt of food assistance distributed

US$ 0.6 million six months (July-December 2021) net funding requirements, representing 12% of total

96,203 people assisted In June 2021

Operational Updates

• On 1-2 June, WFP, in coordination with local authorities, conducted a rapid needs assessment in the village of Companhe (Quinara region) to evaluate the damages of a fire that had devastated the village on 29 May. The mission found that 18 households had been razed to the ground by the fire and 31 cashew nut plantations had been burned, directly affecting 59 households (about 600 people). The population was in immediate need of food, seeds, shelter and clothes. To support these households, WFP rapidly launched a six-months cash assistance of 40,000 CFA (approx. USD 72) per month. A first payment of 120,000 CFA was made in June to the heads of households.

• On 7 June, WFP and the Alliance of Biodiversity and CIAT (CGIAR) organized a validation workshop to present key results of their response analysis for climate adaptation management and programming. The workshop convened around 40 participants, including representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Institute of Meteorology, as well as partners from UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The objective of the study was to better understand how climate risks will impact food security over the coming decades. The analysis will allow WFP Guinea-Bissau to identify entry points for climate adaptation actions into its existing and future activities in the country.

• WFP approved its pro-smallholder farmers’ procurement plan for 2021/2022 for its home-grown school feeding programme. Since 2020, all 874 WFP-supported schools have been receiving fresh and locally-grown nutritious foods. According to the plan, a total of 1,849 mt of local fresh tubers, beans and salt will be procured from local farmers, starting from July 2021. The purchase and distribution of the food is ensured by partner NGOs (Tiniguena, KAFO and ECAS-D).

• In June, a total of 8.7 mt of specialized nutritious foods (Super Cereal Plus) were distributed to 29 health centres in Oio, Bafata and Gabu, as part of the stunting prevention and moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) treatment programmes.

• On 24 June, WFP presented preliminary results from its Fill the Nutrient Gap study to 40 representatives from national institutions and partner organizations (see the focus below for further information on the study). The objective of the workshop was to identify potential interventions to facilitate the population’s access to a nutritious diet. A final validation workshop will be held in September.

• WFP and its implementing partners distributed agricultural tools and seeds to 120 women farmers in Cates to support the cultivation of vegetables in their communities.

• As part of asset creation and resilience strengthening activities, 80 mt of local rice was distributed in the villages of Cates, Calaque Nalu, Calaque Balanta and Darsalam (Tombali region) and technical support provided for the construction of 1,268 m of dykes and the rehabilitation of 1,730 m of canals. In Gabu, 220 beneficiaries taking part in asset creation activities received cash transfers for a total of 11 million CFA (approx. USD 1,747).

• WFP continues to support the High Commissioner for COVID-19 with supply chain management of personal protective equipment, medical equipment, medicines and hospital lab supplies, receiving, storing and delivering these items to health structures around the country. As of 28 June, Guinea-Bissau had recorded 3,881 cases of COVID-19, including 69 deaths.