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UNICEF Guinea-Bissau COVID-19 Situation Report No. 22: October 2020


Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

As of 28st October 2020, Guinea-Bissau has recorded 2,413 cases. Of these confirmed cases, 2,060 (86%) are in Bissau, the capital. Ten (10) regions out of the 11 in the country have confirmed COVID-19 cases. The death toll is 41 people, representing a fatality rate of 1.69%. Among the confirmed cases, 377 (16% of COVID-19 cases in the country) are healthcare workers. The country continues to have more cases amongst males 1,301 (56%) compared to females. Poor data collection by the surveillance team in Bissau during the second half of the month of October has resulted in in the lack of COVID-19 data that is sex- and age-disaggregated.