The Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), at its 760th meeting, held on 29 March 2018, adopted the following decision on the situation in the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.
Takes note of the statement made on behalf of the Commissioner for Peace and Security, by the Acting Director for Peace and Security and the briefing made by the Special Representative of the Chairperson of the Commission for Guinea-Bissau, Ambassador Ovidio Manuel Barbosa Pequeno. Council also takes note of the statements made by the delegation of Guinea Bissau, the Permanent Representative of Togo, in its capacity as Chair of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Representative of Côte d’Ivoire as an African Member (A3) of the United Nations Security Council, as well as the statements made by the representatives of the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) and the European Union (EU);
Recalls its previous communiques and press statements on the situation in Guinea-Bissau, in particular, Press Statement [PSC/PR/BR.(DCXXXIV)] adopted at its 734th meeting, held on 13 February 2018, calling Bissau-Guinean stakeholders to abide by their commitments so as to resolve the crisis and ensure a successful and timely conduct of the upcoming 2018 legislative elections, as well as endorsing the measures taken by ECOWAS in decision taken on 4 February 2018, including imposition of sanctions against political obstructionists who are hampering the process of ending the crisis in the country;
Expresses deep concern over the persistent political deadlock in Guinea Bissau, which negatively affect the socio-economic situation of the country. Council emphasizes that the Conakry Agreement signed on 14 October 2016 remains the primary framework for the peaceful resolution of political crisis and calls upon the Bissau-Guinean actors to abide by their commitments and ensure the full implementation of the 2016 Bissau Roadmap and the Conakry Agreement. Furthermore, Council stresses that sanctions imposed by the ECOWAS shall remain in force till the full implementation of the Conakry Agreement;
Further calls upon the Guinea Bissau authorities to respect the Constitution with regard to the upcoming 2018 legislative elections, as well as the presidential elections scheduled for 2019 and underscores the primary responsibility of the President of the Republic to promote compliance with the necessary conditions for an inclusive and genuine dialogue to bring about peace and stability in the country. In this regard, Council requests the AU Commission to dispatch, as soon as possible, an electoral technical assessment mission to Guinea Bissau, to evaluate the conditions and the preparation for the holding of the upcoming legislative elections and brief the Council accordingly;
Notes with satisfaction the exemplary defence and security forces’ continued posture of non-interference, which, so far, have refrained from intervening in the political and institutional crisis. Council urges all parties to refrain from actions or statements that could further escalate tensions and incite violence in the country;
Reiterates its appeal to all Member States and the larger international community to provide the requisite financial support towards the renewal and operation of the ECOWAS Mission in Guinea-Bissau (ECOMIB), whose mandate will expire on 31 March 2018. Council emphasizes the importance of ECOMIB continued presence in Guinea-Bissau, until the necessary capacitation of the national security forces of Guinea Bissau is completed;
Urges the ECOWAS Commission to provide further details on the sanctions measures that it has taken, including, in particular, personal details of the individuals which have been sanctioned and to regularly coordinate its efforts with the AU Commission in order to facilitate the implementation of the sanctions by all AU Member States. Further requests the ECOWAS to develop a mechanism to ensure that the imposed sanctions work effectively and the Conakry Agreement is fully implemented;
Requests the AU Commission to continue to provide regular updates to Council on the evolution of the situation in Guinea-Bissau;
Decides to remain actively seized of the situation.