In Numbers
- USD 343,964 in cash-based transfers and commodity vouchers
- USD 4.7 m six months (November 2024 to April 2025) net funding requirements, representing 24 percent of total needs
- 18,283 people assisted in October 2024
Operational Updates
• In terms of malnutrition prevention activities, 1,346 individuals (88% women and girls) were engaged in capacity strengthening sessions in the departments of Quiché, Alta Verapaz, Chiquimula, Huehuetenango and Sololá.
Additionally, 1,261 people (77% women and girls) received nutritional monitoring and counseling through WFPsupported Nutrition Brigades in Huehuetenango, as part of an Integrated Resilience Programme.
• As part of WFP's school feeding activities, a total of 75 beneficiaries (100% women), engaged in capacity-building sessions in Quiché under the “Acompáñame a Crecer” Programme, implemented through the 15 Community Centres for Integral Child Development (CECODII) supported by WFP in this department, and focused on early stimulation and nutrition for children aged 0 to 4 years, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.
• 13,839 individuals (53% women and girls) received assistance through conditional CBT in Huehuetenango, Alta Verapaz and Quiché departments, as part of their participation in asset creation and rehabilitation activities.
In addition, over 3,258 people benefitted from capacity strengthening sessions within the same departments and communities.
• On October 4th, WFP Guatemala’s Country Director, jointly with other UN representatives, held a courtesy call with the newly appointed Ambassador of Sweden to Guatemala.
• On October 7th, WFP Guatemala’s Country Director, jointly with other UN representatives, met with leaders of the Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial,
Industrial, and Financial Associations (CACIF), to explore synergies and highlight the private sector’s role in supporting development strategies and initiatives.
• On October 9th , accompanied by the Vice-President of Guatemala and the UN Resident Coordinator, WFP Guatemala presented the results of the 2024 National Food Security Evaluation (ESA), offering comprehensive insights into the country’s food security situation.
• On October 10th , WFP’s Country Director, alongside with the Deputy Regional Director, participated in the Regional Consultative Forum for the Central American Policy on Comprehensive Disaster Risk Management, organized by the Coordination Centre for the Prevention of Natural Disasters in Central America (CEPREDENAC).
• On October 16th and 17th, the Country Office hosted a Monitoring Mission from the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) in Guatemala, including the newly appointed Central America Director.