In Numbers
US$2.8 m cash-based transfers made February-December 2019
70,468 people assisted February-December 2019
Modality: Food and cash transfers
Operational Updates
• WFP continued providing food assistance to food-insecure households in Alta Verapaz and Chiquimula to help them meet their basic needs. During the December cycle, 4,641 households received cash transfers; a total of USD698,003 was distributed.
• WFP and a delegation of the Ministry of Education—MoE attended the Global Child Nutrition Forum held in Cambodia, from 2 to 6 December 2019. High-level representatives of more than 50 countries engaged in policy dialogue, partnership building and knowledge sharing on homegrown school meals that improve children's nutrition and stimulate family farming and rural economies. On behalf of the MoE, Mario Morales, Director of Community Strengthening, presented the National School Feeding Programme highlighting the role of the parent-teacher associations.
• The Ministry of Agriculture and WFP hosted activities to promote smallholder farmer access to markets. A farmers’ market convened some 200 smallholders in Alta Verapaz, offering their products to the public. Simultaneously, a meeting for women entrepreneurs was also held in Alta Verapaz, which allowed for the sharing of success stories on women empowerment.
• As part of activities for the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, WFP and the Ministry of Agriculture launched an exhibition of wall painting among organizations fostering rural development with gender equality. A judging committee comprised of WFP personnel, the Gender Unit of the Ministry and the Vice Minister of Agriculture, toured the exhibition and chose the winning mural.
• Country Director, Ms Laura Melo, attended COP 25 and presented about WFP’s Risk Finance Strategy in the events on Climate Food Showcase and Finance for adaptation and its effective delivery in rural areas. This opportunity allowed for interviews with the media and bilateral meetings with potential partners and donors.