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Guatemala: Volcanic Eruption Revised Emergency Appeal no. 1 n° MDRGT013


This revised Emergency Appeal seeks a total of 2.2 million Swiss francs to enable the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) to support the Guatemalan Red Cross (GRC) to continue humanitarian assistance to 13,500 people for 18 months, with a strong focus on health, livelihoods, disaster risk reduction and institutional capacity development. To ensure the recovery and protection of livelihoods, activities aiming to strengthen the recovery of affected families were included in livelihoods, and some activities in Health, Protection, gender and inclusion, and Disaster Risk Reduction were replaced with others in line with the operational strategy and the budget was increased in 150,526 CHF. Further information is available in the Revised Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA)

The disaster and the Red Cross Red Crescent response to date

3 and 5 June 2018: Guatemala’s Fuego Volcano erupted.
6 June 2018: 256,877 Swiss francs allocated from the IFRC’s Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to assist 3,000 people.
7 June 2018: Start of IFRC surge deployments. Formation of volcanic mudflow increases risks to already affected communities.
8 June 2018: The Government of Guatemala requests international assistance.
11 June 2018: IFRC issues an Emergency Appeal for 2,036,967 Swiss francs for 6,000 people for 12 months.
03 July 2018: The IFRC issues Operations Update 1
26 August 2018: The IFRC issues Operations Update 2
19 December 2018: The IFRC issues Operations Update 3 with a revised target for livelihoods (750 families in the emergency phase distribution and 500 families in the recovery phase second distribution), health and psychosocial support.
17 April 2019: The IFRC issues 6-month Operations Update extending the timeframe for 6 months. The new final date for the operation is 11 December 2019.