Period covered by this Ops Update: 6 December 2011 to 16 January 2012
Appeal target (current): 786,728 Swiss francs
Appeal coverage: 87 per cent
Appeal history:
· An Emergency Appeal was launched on 26 October 2011 for 786,728 Swiss francs for 9 months to assist 1,500 families.
· 240,190 Swiss francs were initially allocated from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies’ (IFRC) Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) on 19 October 2011 to support the National Society to respond.
Summary: The devastating effects of Tropical Depression 12-E affected more than 500,000 people across Guatemala and prompted the government to decree a State of Public Calamity on 16 October. In its auxiliary role to the government, the Guatemalan Red Cross (GRC) opened their Emergency Operation Centre and started the implementation of their plan of action. Thus far, the National Society has reached 1,455 families with relief items such as food parcels, blankets, water filters, mosquito nets, jerry cans and hygiene kits. In addition, the GRC has complemented community workshops on epidemic control, focusing mostly on the prevention of dengue and malaria, as well as hygiene promotion and safe use of water to diminish the risk of waterborne diseases. At the moment, the National Society is preparing for the implementation of their early recovery activities that will start in February with the oncoming planting season.