Information Bulletin No. 095-2024
During this afternoon, the National Institute of Seismology, Volcanology, Meteorology and Hydrology -INSIVUMEH- issued a bulletin regarding seismic activity that was recorded in the country, which had the department of Escuintla as its epicenter.
The earthquake was recorded at 1:36 p.m. and had a magnitude of 4.9, the epicentral distances were 64 kilometers from the department of Escuintla and Mazatenango in Suchitepéquez, in addition to 73 kilometers from the department of Retalhuleu. No damages were reported from said activity.
According to the scientific entity of the CONRED System, during this year there have been 984 earthquakes recorded in the national territory, of which 26 of them were reported sensitive.
Guatemala is a highly seismic country, so it is vital to be prepared in case an event occurs, an action that allows reducing the risk and building resilience in the country, to this end, the Executive Secretariat of the National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction maintains recommendations before said activity, such as:
- Keep calm
- Stay away from windows, shelves and stairs
- Have the 72 Hour backpack ready for each member of the family
- Pet emergency kit
- Stay informed through the official accounts of SE-CONRED and INSIVUMEH.