Secretary General Miguel Insulza today presented Grenada's Permanent Representative Ambassador Denis Antoine with a check that represents a contribution from the Organization of American States (OAS) to assist the Caribbean country in its recovery efforts following the damages sustained last month during the passage of hurricane Emily.
During the brief ceremony at OAS headquarters, Secretary General Insulza commented on the devastation that hurricanes pose to the region and on the importance of cooperation to tackle this phenomenon. Noting that while the OAS contribution is relatively small-given the great needs of the people-it an important expression of the Organization's solidarity with the people and government of Grenada in their relief efforts, Insulza stressed
In accepting the check, Ambassador Antoine thanked both Secretary General Insulza and Assistant Secretary General Albert Ramdin for their efforts and for the contribution, assuring them that "every bit helps and that the government and people of Grenada are indeed thankful."
Among those on hand for the presentation ceremony was Assistant Secretary General Ramdin.
Reference: E-160