Arrivals and Departures
4,611 people arrived on the Greek islands on 17 February which was a significant increase and represents the highest arrival rate since 9 January. UNHCR expects this trend to continue over the coming days, whilst similar weather conditions prevail
Between 1 January and 16 February, approximately 11,000 asylum applications were recorded in Austria (an average 230 per day). During the same period approximately 100,000 people entered Austria.
In Greece, approximately 600 people arrived on the military island of Farmakonisi, which was an anomaly, with most arrivals received on other islands, such as Lesvos. The arrivals received coordinated and timely assistance from the Greek Army, Hellenic Coast Guard and UNHCR.
Condition of People
On the Greek Islands, as four hotspot facilities became functional, registration challenges were noted with significant delays causing people to wait for extended periods of time and thus requiring accommodation in available facilities. UNHCR and partners provided support to authorities regarding flow management, transportation, accommodation arrangements and additional equipment.
Deaths at Sea
None reported.