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Greece + 11 more

Winter Operations Cell (Updated February 15, 2016 5:24 PM)


Arrivals and Departures: On 14 February, the border crossing between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Greece was briefly closed due to misinformation regarding Austrian authorities allegedly no longer allowing entry to refugees and migrants. The domino effect of border closure along the route, coupled with repeated statements made by Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian officials regarding adherence to similar border controls, would indicate that if German or Austrian authorities introduce limiting entry measures at its borders (or closure), all other governments will follow suite.

Condition of People: In January 2016, of those arriving to the Greek islands, nearly 58% were women and children; one in three people were children as compared to just one in ten in September 2015.

Between 5 and 11 February, in Hungary, 399 people were apprehended for irregular entry. This marks a 37% increase compared to the previous week (291).

Deaths at Sea: None reported between 12-14 February. During the first six weeks of 2016, more than 400 people lost their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean. However, despite the dangers, over 2,000 people a day continue to risk their lives and the lives of their children attempting to reach Europe.