After fleeing war or persecution, one of the most effective ways through which people can rebuild their lives with dignity is with work and the opportunity to earn a living. Through decent work, refugees can provide for their families’ needs, become more resilient and actively shape their future. Making use of their skills and talents allows refugees to contribute to their work environment and their host communities.
Since 2022, UNHCR has been working at different levels and with several actors to advance refugee integration. Building on over 70 years of experience from around the world, UNHCR works with the Government in line with Greece’s National Integration Strategy of November 2021, as well as with municipalities and local authorities throughout the country to strengthen their expertise on refugee issues and include refugees in their programmes and services.
In collaboration with NGOs across the country, UNHCR offers targeted support through a variety of employability services. These include career counselling, job matching, CV preparation, Greek language courses and vocational training programmes, as well as support for the issuance of key documents, interpretation and legal advice. By reaching out to the private sector, UNHCR and its partners directly connects refugee and asylum-seekers with employers to generate sustainable livelihoods opportunities.