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Greece + 4 more

UNHCR Greece Factsheet - September 2024


UNHCR works with national authorities to ensure a favourable protection space for forcibly displaced and stateless people in Greece.

UNHCR provides information on rights and procedures and supports with the provision of legal aid, specialized services, referrals and integration support. UNHCR also offers advice and expertise to the Government on asylum, reception and durable solutions.

By August 2024, UNHCR had assisted over 10,000 refugees and asylumseekers with livelihoods support through employability services, upskilling programmes, vocational projects and job fairs.


Legal Assistance

So far this year, UNHCR supported 3,058 refugees and asylum-seekers through legal assistance.

Protection Helpdesk

By August 2024, 1,616 individuals reached out to UNHCR’s Protection Helpdesk seeking information on legal matters, medical support, accommodation, and assistance at border locations.

Urban Outreach Initiative

By August 2024, through its urban outreach activity, UNHCR approached 945 refugees and asylum-seekers in Athens, including 178 women and 84 children. Those reached reported challenges mainly in accessing legal employment, accommodation and legal assistance.