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Greece - Wildfires, update (JRC EFFIS, Civil Protection Greece, Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation) (ECHO Daily Flash of 28 July 2023)

  • Wildfires continue to affect the country, especially close to Volos City where an area of 7,000 ha is burning.

  • According to the Greek Civil Protection and the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation, two people died and the settlements of Melissatika, Golden Beach Panagia, Velanidia, Marathos and Kritharia have been evacuated following the fires in the Volos area.

  • In Rhodes, ground forces are operating in order to contain the front in an area between the settlements of Vati, Profylia and the Holy Monastery of Tharri. The fire in Corfu is under control.

  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service was activated 8 times in rapid mapping mode (EMSR672 through to 679).

  • Over 500 firefighters and 9 planes have been deployed via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, as well as a Liaison Officer from the Emergency Response Coordination Centre.

  • Over the next 24 hours the weather forecast is expected to be at a high level risk.