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Greece - Wildfire (JRC EFFIS, Copernicus EMSR, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 03 July 2024)

  • The Greek National Coordination Centre for Operations and Crisis Management (NCCOCM) reports, as of 12:00 (local time) , that the wildfire that was burning across the Kos Island, south-eastern Greece since 1 July in the afternoon (UTC), causing population displacements and damage, has no active forest fire forehead.
  • According to the JRC European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), the wildfire has burnt an area of more than 638 ha in the area of Pyli and Kardamena villages, central Kos Island. The wildfire is currently under control.
  • Media report, as of 3 July, six injured people, including five firefighters, and hundreds of displaced people - of which a number of these in some temporarily accomodation centres - across the aforementioned affected area.
  • The Copernicus Emergency Management Service was activated in rapid mapping mode (EMSR735) on 2 July.
  • Over the next 48 hours, according to JRC EFFIS, the fire danger forecast is expected to remain medium across Kos Island.