Based on the recent developments with increased tension over living conditions in Elliniko, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) expresses once again its concerns regarding the sub-standard living conditions in Elliniko Sites in South Athens, and urges the Greek authorities to expedite the transfer of the population to adequate standard and dignified accommodation.
The predominantly Afghan population has been residing in the three sites in Elliniko – the former Olympic Games premises and International airport - for more than a year. Elliniko Sites are not adequate for long-term living as the existing infrastructure is not meant to accommodate people, and do not allow for the needed upgrades to ensure a dignified living. The current dire living conditions coupled with lack of security provision and a general uncertainty for asylum prospects are increasingly causing tension at the sites.
While the Greek Authorities have long aimed at closing and evacuating the sites, the population of concern is still residing in the sites. DRC welcomes all efforts by the Greek Authorities to transfer the people from Elliniko, and is willing to support the evacuation process, to other accommodation solutions, meeting minimum standards.
DRC reiterates its support to the Greek Authorities by continuing the provision of humanitarian assistance in Elliniko sites in response of the daily basic humanitarian needs, including but not limited to food and core relief items provision, water and sanitation, legal aid, small scale infrastructure, care and maintenance. However, DRC does not consider Elliniko an adequate and dignified location for people, and hopes to see in the immediate future the closure of the sites and the provision of adequate reception conditions that adheres to standards and takes into account needs and vulnerabilities of the people of concern.
The Danish Refugee Council is an independent, private, non-profit humanitarian organization working in 40 countries around the world. DRC fulfils its mandate by providing direct assistance to conflict-affected populations – refugees, internally displaced persons (IDPs) and host communities in the conflict areas of the world; and by advocating on behalf of conflict-affected populations internationally, and in Denmark, on the basis of humanitarian principles and the Human Rights Declaration.
For more information contact:
DRC Greece Country Director, Kyriakos Giaglis;
DRC Communication Advisor, Sebastian Juel Frandsen;