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UNICEF Ghana Humanitarian Situation Report No. 24: November 2021



On Sunday 30th November, the Director General of Ghana Health Service delivered a press conference outlining measures to prevent further spread of the COVID-19 virus. The Greater Accra remains the hotspot for coronavirus outbreak, accounting for nearly half of total active cases in Ghana. Adherence to protocols remains low. As of 30 November, Ghana had received 12,324,710 doses, of which 7,122,020 doses have been administered. The Government of Ghana will receive more doses in December. It was announced that children aged from 15 years can now be vaccinated.

A Yellow Fever outbreak has led to 29 deaths, including 24 children, 166 suspected cases and 48 confirmed cases, including 17 children.

December has been declared vaccination month, with intensified efforts to administer doses and protect the population.

In cooperation with the UN Country Team, UNICEF continued to work with the Government across the sectors to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, Yellow Fever outbreak, tidal waves, and other critical humanitarian risks, reaching the most vulnerable children and families.

Situation in Numbers

31 million
people at risk of COVID-19 (total population)

2.4 million people
1.4 million children
to be reached in the response

131,246 confirmed cases
129,326 recoveries
1,228 deaths
16 regions (all regions)

1.4 million
children accessing education services