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UNICEF Ghana: COVID-19 Situation Report - #3, 1st – 15th May 2020


Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

Ghana currently has the highest number of confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the West and Central Africa region and is the third country across the WHO Africa region, behind South Africa and Algeria. The Greater Accra region continues to be the epicentre of the pandemic.

In April, around 4.5 per cent of confirmed cases were children under 18 years, and one child death was recorded. While children seem to be less vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus itself, the collateral impact on children, young people and women already affected by poverty, disability or social exclusion is considerable.

In his address to the nation on Sunday 10th May, the President of the Republic of Ghana, H. E. Nana Akufo-Addo announced that between the 7th and 10th of May, additional 24,599 tests had been conducted, which led to an increase in the number of positively confirmed cases of COVID19. Noting that Ghana had administered more tests per million people than other countries in Africa, the President also highlighted the upcoming establishment of seven additional testing facilities in Ghana, enabling swifter testing. Restrictions on travel (borders closure) and public gatherings continue to be imposed and a soft loan scheme of GHC 600 million will be rolled out to support micro, small and medium scale businesses.

As part of the UN Country Team in Ghana, UNICEF continues to support the Government response to the COVID-19 pandemic and has handed over several pieces of vital equipment to government institutions during this reporting period.