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SDG 6 Country Acceleration Case Studies 2023: Ghana


To accelerate the achievement of SDG 6 targets as part of the SDG 6 Global Acceleration Framework, UN-Water is developing SDG 6 Country Acceleration Case Studies to explore countries’ pathways to achieving accelerated progress on SDG 6 at the national level. The case studies document replicable good practices for achieving the SDG 6 targets as well as look at how progress can be accelerated across SDG 6 targets in a country.

Three countries are selected every year, starting in 2022. The selection of the case study countries is based on country progress reporting on the SDG 6 global indicators. The case studies highlight achievements and describe processes, enabling conditions and key lessons learned in countries selected for their progress on SDG 6. For 2023, selected countries for case studies are Brazil, Ghana and Singapore.

Read about how Ghana significantly improved access to safe drinking-water thanks to the commitment of public and private partners.