Date: 10/12/1999
OCHA Situation Report No.5
10 December 1999
1. This is based on the outcome of the coordination meeting, led by the UN Resident Coordinator with the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), on 6 December 1999.
Food: One month supply from WFP for 50,000 persons will be distributed shortly (OCHA Situation Report No.4 para 3. Food). After this one month assistance, more food will be needed until the next harvesting season. At the same time, mid-term agricultural assistance such as seeds and farming tools will be required as an estimated 50-60% reduction in yield is expected.
Shelter: An in-depth survey of additional shelter, reconstruction and rehabilitation requirements has been finalized (OCHA Situation Report No.4 para. 3. Shelter).
Water & Sanitation: The priority needs are the immediate provision of potable water through distribution of water tanks and chlorinating for the contaminated wells. 10 drums of 50 kg chlorine need to be purchased in addition to the 5 drums pledged by UNICEF:
Contaminated water sources
| |
Northern Region
65 hand-dug wells and 101 dams. 200
out of 1,500 bore holes are non-functional
Upper East Region
835 wells (643 in Builsa district,
192 in Bongo district) and 89 bore holes
Upper West Region
191 water points
Infrastructure: 18 dams in Northern Region, 9 dams in Upper-East Region, and 24 dams in Upper-West Region need to be rehabilitated. In Upper-East Region, Kpalwega dam is selected as the first priority as it provides drinking water for 30,000 people in the district. In Upper-West Region, Piina dam is prioritized.
2. The next coordination meeting is scheduled for 5 January 2000.
3. The status of international assistance, as reported to OCHA up to 10 December, may be viewed by clicking on Financial Tracking at the top of the page for this disaster on the OCHA Internet Website ( Given that information on contributions reaches OCHA Geneva from multiple sources, donors are urged to verify this table and inform OCHA of corrections/additions/values, as required. Donors are requested to notify OCHA Geneva of any further contributions to this disaster using the "OCHA Standardized Contributions Recording Format", available electronically in the above mentioned Financial Tracking Website.
5. OCHA is prepared to serve as a channel for cash contributions for the immediate relief needs. Funds channeled through OCHA will be spent in coordination with the relevant organizations of the UN system and OCHA will provide written confirmation of their use. Funds should be transferred to OCHA Account No. CO-590.160.1 SWIFT-code SBC0CHGG12A - at the UBS AG, PO Box 2770, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland, with reference: OCHA -Ghana Floods 1999.
6. This Situation Report and further information on ongoing emergencies are also available on the OCHA Internet Website at:
Telephone number: + 41-22-917-12 34
In case of emergency only: + 41-22- 917 20 10
Desk Officers: Mr. Klaus Wiersing, Head, Africa Desk,
Ms. Yasuko Sawada, Associate Humanitarian Affairs Officer
Disaster Response Branch, direct Tel:41 22 917 2270/4122 917 1768
Contact person for the media: Ms. Elena Ponomareva, direct tel:+41-22-917
23 36
Telex 4142 42 OCHA CH
Fax: + 41-22 917 00 23
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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