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Ghana: Cholera Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) (MDRGH012)


Situation analysis

Description of the disaster

The first cases of cholera were detected on 21 October 2016, in the Cape Coast district, Central region when a casepatient presented with acute watery diarrhoea. The next day there were two case-patients with similar symptoms also in Cape Coast district. The number of cases detected in peri-urban communities in Cape Coast Metropolitan have continued to rise from 36 cases on the 26 October, to 117 cases on 30 October. By the 2 November, the total number of cases had risen to 172 with zero deaths. The exponential increase in cases indicates high transmission potential of infections in the peri urban communities.

Central region is made up of 26 districts, six of these districts have reported cholera cases. The districts are Cape Coast Municipal, Abura Asebu Kwamankese, Komenda Edina Eguafo Abrem, Twifo Hermang, Asekuma Odoben Brakwa and Mfantseman districts. The total population of these six districts is 727,928, while the entire region has a total population of 2,201,863 (Source: Ghana Statistical Service, 2016). The Cape Coast Municipal recorded 138 cases representing 80% of the total 172 cases reported as of 2 November 2016. Detailed epidemiological report is being prepared to describe and characterize the outbreak (WHO situation report 2 November 2016).

In response to the outbreak, on the 28 October an emergency National Technical Coordination Committee (NTCC) meeting was held to respond to the cholera outbreak. On 29 October, a multi-disciplinary national rapid response team (RRT) was deployed to the Cape Coast to support the response on the ground. The RRT conducted orientation for the regional and district response teams and established technical sub committees, which has aligned the coordination structures and harmonized cholera control interventions. Five technical sub-committees have been established including surveillance/laboratory, risk communication/social mobilization, WASH, case management/infection prevention and control, and coordination/logistics. The NTCC has developed a Cholera Contingency Plan, which will guide the response in the coming weeks and months.

In response to the outbreak, Ghana Red Cross Society (GRCS) is participating in national and regional level coordination mechanisms. GRCS is a member of the technical subcommittees and is sharing information with other stakeholders and is mentioned specifically in WHO situation reports. GRCS are well positioned to respond to the outbreak, having recently completed a 14-month cholera preparedness project, supported by DG ECHO and Swiss Red Cross in the Greater Accra region. GRCS will use the same field tested training and signature Sword and Shield methodologies in this response.