ASB Georgia, with the support of Aktion Deutschland Hilf and in partnerhsip with People in Need, Unite Together and IDP Agency, conducted the survey in the field of Ukrainian refugee household (HH) readiness to meet the rising utility costs during the coldest months. Also, one of the goals of this study was to identify the needs of Ukrainians in the light of the increasing renting costs.
In the period of November 15th-December 3rd, activities were carried out for the preparation and organization of the assessment, further statistics analytics on the survey.
Technically, the survey was developed and implemented using an online Google form. The process of conducting the study involved a combination of online and offline surveys.
A link to the online survey was posted in several information channels popular among Ukrainians.
Also, in parallel with the online survey, Hresniks interviewed existing beneficiaries through personal visits. As a result, the ratio of online questionnaires and personal interviews is approximately 30/70 percent.
The data collected in this survey were accordingly added to the CURL of UKR CASH TRANSFER beneficiaries for all matches of identification document numbers.