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UNICEF Georgia COVID-19 Situation Report No.25 - 9 October 2020



• UNICEF organized the first International Conference on Child Rights in partnership with Akaki Tsereteli State University – For more information, please see the Weekly Focus on page 4.

• UNICEF delivered 450 food and hygiene boxes, along with vitamins and micronutrients, to the Ministry of Health of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara for distribution to 150 pregnant women and 300 children under self-isolation.

• UNICEF, with the financial support from the Swedish International Development Agency, distributed food parcels and hygiene supplies to 350 vulnerable families in Abkhazia, Georgia, reaching 1,073 children and 858 adults.

• UNICEF and the Rugby Union of Georgia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation to mark the launch of a new phase of the partnership, aiming to raise awareness on COVID-19, advocate for the protection of children from violence, and promote crime prevention and healthy lifestyle among children and young people.

• To support continued access to education, UNICEF delivered entertainment and educational materials for kindergartens and a youth center, as well as computers, projectors, and network devices for schools in Pankisi Gorge.

• UNICEF supported the creation of a child-friendly space in Pankisi Legal Aid Bureau (LAB) to all children and their parents seeking legal service from LAB.

• UNICEF's partner RHEA Union launched activities in Akhalkalaki and Aspindza to provide developmental activities for children and young people with disabilities.