The UNICEF Representative and the Education team held a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Education, Deputy Minister of Health, and the Director of NCDC: a multi-disciplinary team has been established to follow up meticulously on safe reopening of schools.
The Majoritarian MP of Kakheti region, the Mayor of Akhmeta, Kakheti, and the UNICEF Representative had discussions on the situation of children and handed over essential hygiene and food supplies for further distribution to 115 vulnerable families in the villages of Pankisi Gorge, mostly populated by minority ethnic group Kists, of Chechen roots.
The UNICEF Representative had discussions with religious leaders in Duisi, Pankisi Gorge, highlighting the role of religious leaders in upholding child rights, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Safe reopening of schools and kindergartens was also discussed with school and kindergarten representatives of Duisi, Pankisi Gorge.
Meetings with the community-based and youth organizations in Duisi, Pankisi, contributed to identifying the challenges related to COVID-19 and defining the areas of risk communication and community engagement interventions.
In partnership with NCDC and Administration of All Muslims of Georgia, UNICEF organized a second webinar aimed at educating Muslim religious leaders on COVID-19 prevention measures.
In partnership with the Parliament and State Care Agency, the UNICEF-supported child hotline “111” continues to provide assistance to children and their families, supporting around 634 cases to date, of which 480 already received assistance and were closed accordingly.
Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs
The first patient with COVID-19 was diagnosed in Georgia on 26 February 2020. Despite early actions of the Government, the number of confirmed and suspected cases continued to grow. The Government declared a state of emergency on 21 March, closing borders and airports, restricting movement inside the country, banning mass gatherings and maintaining closure of all schools, kindergartens and universities. The state of emergency ended on 23 May however, several restrictions remain in place. The Parliament of Georgia passed a bill, which allows the Government to impose movement, labor, migration, economic and other restrictions without the declaration of a state of emergency. Travel restrictions remain in place until the end of August.
To date, Abkhazia, Georgia, reported 38 cases, with 36 recoveries and one death. A state of emergency was put in place on 28 March and was lifted as of 21 April. On 1 July, kindergartens were reopened, and the most social restrictions have eased. However, the Administrative Border Line and the border with Russia remain closed. After several weeks with no cases, 7 new COVID-19 cases were identified during the reporting week.