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UNICEF Georgia COVID-19 Situation Report #16 (10 July 2020)



  • UNICEF Representative and education team discussed with the Ministry of Education the strategy and practical steps for the safe reopening of schools.

  • Under the framework of child rights protection and promotion, UNICEF organized seminars for religious leaders of Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic Churches to emphasize the role of religious leaders in upholding child rights, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • UNICEF, in partnership with the local representation of the Public Defender’s Office, conducted a workshop for community-based organizations of Akhalkalaki and Akhaltsikhe municipalities to improve the situation of children in difficult circumstances, including during the COVID-19-related crisis. Strategic actions were articulated to respond to emerging child rights issues and violations.

  • Increased vulnerability of children to child labor due to COVID-19 was discussed in a workshop in Akhalkalaki with NGOs. UNICEF agreed with Public Defender's office and NGOs to conduct an assessment on child labor.

  • UNICEF carried out a social media campaign to promote online consultations for pregnant women on COVID-19, involving a media release, an animated video, and a video address by the UNICEF Representative encouraging pregnant women to join the consultations. A webpage was created by NCDC dedicated to providing further support to the project.

  • In partnership with the Parliament and State Care Agency, the UNICEF-supported child hotline “111” continues to provide assistance to children and their families, supporting around 610 cases to date, of which 415 already received assistance and were closed accordingly.

Situation Overview and Humanitarian Needs

The first patient with COVID-19 was diagnosed in Georgia on 26 February 2020. Despite early actions of the Government, the number of confirmed and suspected cases continued to grow. The Government declared a state of emergency on 21 March, closing borders and airports, restricting movement inside the country, banning mass gatherings and maintaining closure of all schools, kindergartens and universities. The state of emergency ended on 23 May; however, several restrictions remain in place. The Parliament of Georgia passed a bill, which allows the Government to impose movement, labor, migration, economic and other restrictions without the declaration of a state of emergency. Travel restrictions remain in place until the end of July.

To date, Abkhazia, Georgia, reported 38 cases, with 36 recoveries and one death. A state of emergency was put in place on 28 March and was lifted as of 21 April. On 1 July, kindergartens were reopened, and the most social restrictions have eased. However, the Administrative Border Line and the border with Russia remain closed. The situation is to be re-assessed on 15 July.