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Georgia: Meeting of the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General, 27-28 Jun 2007, Bonn

PR/2007/86 Tbilisi, 29 June, 2007

From 27 to 28 June 2007, senior representatives of the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General (France, Germany, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States) met in Bonn, Germany under the Chairmanship of the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations. Representatives of the Georgian and Abkhaz sides and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Georgia participated in the meeting.

This meeting was convened out of concern over tensions in the zone of conflict, the absence of dialogue between the sides and the need to promote the confidence building measures presented to the sides at the last Geneva meeting, which were subsequently endorsed by the United Nations Security Council.

The Georgian and Abkhaz sides outlined their positions, which continued to differ on a range of issues. At the same time, they were able to agree on several steps relating to security, dialogue and confidence building. Among others, they agreed to resume dialogue on security in the zone of conflict. They also agreed to cooperate in implementing the European Commission-funded rehabilitation program, as well as a number of humanitarian initiatives.

The United Nations and the Group of Friends reiterated the critical importance they attach to the preservation of both stability and dialogue. They welcomed the agreements reached by the sides in this respect, and encouraged the parties to seek vigorously the creation of basic levels of trust between the sides and their respective communities. They undertook to continue to follow closely the implementation of the commitments and assurances given by the two sides in this regard.

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