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Georgia + 4 more

Georgia Fact Sheet, September 2024


UNHCR assists forcibly displaced and stateless people, including refugees from Ukraine, and works with the government and partners on international protection, statelessness and internal displacement.

UNHCR coordinates the Ukraine refugee response and cooperates with the Government on the 2021 - 2030 Migration Strategy, implementation of Georgia's Global Refugee Forum (GRF) pledges, and refugee integration.

UNHCR also supports protection and livelihoods for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Abkhazia.


A Multi-Sector Needs Assessment on Ukrainians-funded by ECHO and implemented by Action Against Hunger, CARE Caucasus and People in Need was completed in July. Many Ukrainians plan to stay until the end of the conflict, requiring longer-term support. Half spend over 70% of their income on rent and about 50% earn less than $250 per month.

From April - June, UNHCR carried out a Participatory Assessment with the government and partners to better understand the needs of asylum-seeker and refugee children and youth. Involving 88 participants from 14 countries, it highlighted the eagerness of young refugees to integrate in society, and key areas of support for integration.

UNHCR assisted 555 vulnerable IDPs in eastern Abkhazia with legal and social counselling as of June. 561 individuals received cash, food, and hygiene assistance in the first quarter of 2024.

Around 238 vulnerable individuals in Tbilisi-administered territory were provided with cash assistance by UNHCR to meet their basic needs in 2024 so far.