This report covers the period 01/January/2010 to 31/December/2010.
In brief
Programme purpose: The International Federation (IFRC) supported programme activities of the Georgia Red Cross Society (GRCS) contributing to the Strategy 2020 goals and in line with the National Society’s 2007-2011 strategic plan. The programmes aimed to alleviate suffering and improve the lives of the most vulnerable people through disaster management, health and care and organizational development.
Programme(s) summary: In 2010 Disaster Management programme was supported by European Commission (DIPECHO) and Danish Red Cross in consortium with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and Icelandic Red Cross and aimed to build safer local communities and strengthen the capacities of Georgia Red Cross Society in Disaster Management (DM).
In 2010, Health and Care programme component supported through The International Federation included Tuberculosis prevention; Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Social Support to Vulnerable Older People.
• In the field of Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (DR-TB) prevention and control the National Society reached 101 TB clients who were in the continuation phase of the treatment. 4633 of communities with the average age of 26.2 benefited from a peer-to-peer education programme in 6 branches through the work of 140 trained volunteers.
• Pandemic Influenza Preparedness project raised preparedness and response to A (H1N1) pandemic at community level and reached approximately 3,389 community leaders directly through 115 trainings/workshops provided by 229 GRCS trained project staff and volunteers. In total 12,000 community members were reached through peer education activities and distribution of the informational educational materials.
• Social support activities were focused on 4,500 of the most vulnerable older people living under the poverty line in Tbilisi, Kutaisi, (West Georgia), Khelvachauri (Autonomous Republic of Adjara) and Sagarejo (East Georgia). The project aimed at decreasing their poverty and improving well-being and health status through delivery of services, Local resource mobilisation, Capacity building and Advocacy.
The Organizational Development/Capacity Building programme component has served as complementary to other main areas of GRCS work to strengthen branch capacity, in particular:
• development of service delivery to vulnerable people in the target communities through community–based volunteer initiatives and participatory community development;
• resource mobilisation and fund raising through diversification of sources of funding including the Corporate Partnership Programme;
• membership recruitment;
• internal and external communication;
• youth and volunteer development.
Financial situation: The total 2010 budget is CHF 954,513 of which CHF 655,505 (69 per cent) covered during the reporting period (including opening balance). Overall expenditure during the reporting period was CHF 654,828 (99 per cent) of the funding.
Our partners: Our partners: The Georgia Red Cross Society cooperates with the International Federation and International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as with the Sister National Societies of Denmark, Germany, Italy, Norway, and Israel. Furthermore the National Society cooperates with governmental, non-governmental, national as well as international organizations. (Please see Working in partnership section for detailed overview.)