We concentrate our cooperation with Georgia to three sectors; democracy, human rights and gender equality, environment and market development. Read about programmes within the democracy, human rights and gender equality sector.
Building public confidence in the electoral process
The programme "Building Public Confidence in the Electoral Process" addresses concerns raised by domestic and international observers in the previous elections regarding the electoral process.
The project is doing research on public confidence in, and attitudes towards the electoral process, strengthening the capacity for analysis and mapping of election results and analysis of voters’ lists, assisting parties in training their election observers and Central Election Commission (CEC) of their election officials, post-election monitoring and observation in order to improve the electoral process and rebuild public confidence in it.
So far the programme has contributed to a better assessment of public opinion. Survey results and analyses of voting patterns were shared with the election administration, government, political parties and civil society to assist in their respective electoral efforts. Most stakeholders realized that a better understanding of public opinion is instrumental for relevant adaptation of their own work and activities.
The public confidence in the electoral process rose between the two surveys. The first set of digital precinct maps of election results in Georgia was created in this programme. The maps enable direct comparison of voting patterns at precinct, district and national levels to identify voting trends. The maps have provided a valuable means for comparing elections and can clearly show areas with inaccuracies in protocol and extremely high turnout. The maps will be instrumental in enabling both well-established and new parties to better target grassroots activities.
UN Joint Programme to Enhance Gender Equality
The overall objective is to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through strengthening capacities in the government, civil society and communities.
Sweden is one of the main donor working on gender quality in Georgia and takes an active part in donor coordination.
This new programme for 2011-2014 will assist in implementing the gender equality action plan as well as the domestic violence action plan. A law on gender equality was adopted in March 2010.
The programme will focus on the following areas:
- Enhancing women’s political and economic empowerment
- Creating an enabling environment to eliminate violence against women, especially domestic violence
- Creating enabling environment to realize sexual and reproductive rights of population
Each area will be addressed on three different levels: policy and decision-making level, national and local institutional level and through work with civil society and grassroots level. It will be implemented jointly by UNDP, UNFPA and UN Women with UNDP as a coordinator.
Durable Solutions – A way forward for IDPs
The programme aims at supporting the Government in implementing the State Strategy and Action Plan on IDPs, focusing on integrations of the displaced population into Georgian society.
The programme includes development of durable housing solutions, livelihood options, provision of legal aid and capacity building of the MRA (Ministry for Refugees and Accomodation. In response to the 2008 conflict, some urgent support targeting new IDPs is also included.
As one of the major donors in the area Sida has contributed to both concrete improvements at an individual level (improved housing conditions, employment opportunities, legal advice etc) but also to capacity strengthening at the MRA to handle the difficult situation. The project is implemented by the Danish Refugee Council, DRC.
Partnership between the National Agency of Public Registry and Lantmäteriet
Sweden supports capacity building of certain Georgian public institutions. These are twinning like projects where relevant Swedish bodies transfer their knowledge to the Georgian counterparts.
One of them is the project “Capacity Building and Improved Client Services at National Agency of Public Registry (NAPR)”. NAPR is in charge of cadastre and real property rights registration in Georgia. From the Swedish side the project is implemented by the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet. The project progresses well.
The most measurable and evident impact to which the project has contributed is that NAPR has proved to be able to deal with the increased market transactions which are the result of an increasingly active land market across the country.
Partnership between the Georgian National Bureau of Enforcement, NBE, and the Swedish Enforcement Agency
The project aims at building capacity of the NBE so that it can provide quick and effective enforcement based on justice, equality before the law and transparency to the public.
Sida supports a twinning like cooperation between the NBE and the Swedish Enforcement Agency. A mapping of processes has been carried out, a code of conduct developed as well as a draft enforcement policy. Training is on-going as well as support to the management.
International School creates new generation of economists
Sida supports the International School of Economics-ISET, Tbilisi State University in Georgia.
The school creates a new generation of economists within the South Caucasus region and strengthening their capacity to understand and utilize international economic analysis and policies. It also builds the capacity for economic research and training and to foster cross-border communication and cooperation.