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WFP The Gambia Country Brief, October - November 2024


In Numbers

  • 151,378 people assisted in October and November 2024
  • US$ 480,595 cash-based transfers made from September to November 2024
  • US$ 3.6 million six-month (December 2024-May 2025) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

  • After the start of the new school year in September 2024, WFP successfully distributed more than US$ 480,000 to 422 schools across the country’s Upper River, Central River North and South, and North Bank Regions through its Home-Grown School Feeding programme. The resources will allow schools to procure locally produced commodities and provide children with a nutritious meal a day.
  • In November 2024, the Country Office in collaboration with the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE), WFP Office of Evaluation, and World Bank Development Impact (DIME) Department, held a stakeholder workshop to present the results of the School Feeding Impact Evaluation. The study, which covered January to October 2023, collected and analysed data from the country’s Upper River and North Bank Regions, to assess the impact of the programme on children’s food security, nutrition, health, and education outcomes. The results show that school meals directly translate into enhanced food security and dietary diversity, and better mental health through decreased rates of stress and depression, especially among girls. Furthermore, the programme increased children’s attendance and reduced dropouts during the school year.
  • Following the inauguration of the Fill the Nutrient Gap (FNG) Analysis in September 2024, WFP in collaboration with the Government implemented a training of 22 data collectors who then conducted fieldwork at 51 markets in all regions of the country in October. The results will help the Government and partners identify contextappropriate interventions that empower people through better access to affordable nutritious food to actively address their requirements.
  • The Field Office welcomed a mid-term review mission team of the African Development Bank in the Upper River Region to assess ongoing project activities. The team visited schools, including those where WFP, together with the Government through the Global Agriculture and Food Security Project (GAFSP), is constructing school kitchens. The visit provided valuable insights into the progress of infrastructure development and the impact of the project in enhancing the school feeding programme and improving the learning environment for the students.
  • WFP in collaboration with the Government trained 50 members of local government entities, of which 42 men and 8 women, on climate change and systematic adaptation planning.
  • To establish a transparent community feedback mechanism, pursuant of its accountability and social safeguarding goals, WFP and its partners acquired a tollfree beneficiary line. This will provide a convenient and reliable channel for all stakeholders to engage with WFP on all aspects of its activities.
  • WFP in collaboration with the Government planted 2,246 climate resilient assorted seedlings in 9 communities (5 in the Central River Region North and 4 in the Upper River Region) with the participation of 644 community members (446 men and 198 women).
  • WFP recently concluded the National Food Security Survey and National Nutrition Sentinel Surveillance conducted in October and November 2024 in collaboration with the Government to assess the food security and nutrition situation in The Gambia. The findings show that 24 percent of the population is food insecure, of which 2 percent severe. This represents a slight decrease from 29 percent in 2023 and 27 percent in 2022. Meanwhile, the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition among children aged 6-59 months in the country shows a slight increase from 8.5 percent in 2023 to 8.8 percent in 2024. Finally, the results indicate Global Stunting in the country at 17.8 percent, after decreasing slightly from 18.3 percent in 2023.
  • In November 2024, WFP in collaboration with the Government through GAFSP promoted the processing and utilization of biofortified crops such as orange-fleshed sweet potato, maize, millet, and cassava in 20 communities for 400 farmers and processors across the country. The training provided them with the necessary skills and tools to process and utilize these nutrient-rich crops and will thus directly enhance their livelihoods.