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Nourishing minds and bodies: homegrown school meals enhance food security and wellbeing among Gambian children, UN study finds

BANJUL – Findings from a comprehensive impact evaluation of the Home-Grown School Feeding Programme (HGSF) in the Gambia reveals that school meals enhance food security and dietary diversity, while improving mental well-being among Gambian children - especially girls.

Conducted by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) through its Office of Evaluations, and the World Bank Development Impact Department (DIME), this study investigates the effects of school meals on children’s nutrition, health and social cohesion. Findings are set to shape the future of school feeding initiatives in the Gambia and beyond, as school meals play a crucial role in attracting, feeding, and nurturing children while in school.

Speaking at the presentation of the evaluation findings, Prof. Pierre Gomez, Minister of Higher Education overseeing the Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education said: “As a government, we understand that education is the bedrock of national development. However, we also recognize that children cannot learn effectively on an empty stomach. The provision of school meals has shown to increase school attendance, improve concentration, and reduce dropout rates - particularly among the most vulnerable segments of our population. Through this programme, we have seen firsthand the positive impact that access to nutritious food can have on a child’s ability to learn, grow, and thrive.”

The Home-Grown School Feeding Programme, which leverages locally sourced food to nourish students, has been a flagship initiative of the Government of the Gambia and WFP. It aims to address food insecurity, improve educational outcomes, and support local farmers by linking schools with local agriculture.

“The results of this evaluation underscore the critical role home-grown school meals play in supporting children’s education and health, as well as its potential to stimulate local economies,” said Miranda Sende, WFP’s Representative and Country Director in The Gambia. “This evaluation provides a solid foundation for scaling up the programme and refining it to maximize its impact on the future generations of the Gambia. We are grateful to our partners, especially the World Bank, for their collaboration in this valuable work.”

The evaluation covers January to October 2023 and analyzes data from two regions of North Bank and Upper River, to assess the impact of the school meals programme on children’s food security, nutrition, health, and education outcomes. In addition to improving food security, dietary diversity, and mental health (decreasing rates of stress and depression) especially among girls, the study also reveals reduced dropouts during the school year along with increased attendance among children whose attendance was initially low.

School meals are one of the most widespread social safety nets in the world – an estimated 418 million children benefit globally. School meals encourage the poorest families to send their children to school. Once in the classroom, school meals ensure children are well-nourished and ready to learn. In 2024, WFP provides daily school meals to over 150,000 children in over 400 primary schools across the Gambia.


For more information please contact (email address:
Anta Kah- Janneh, WFP/Banjul, Tel. +220 715 2222;

Djaounsede Madjiangar, WFP/Dakar, Tel. +221 77 639 42 71