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WFP Pacific: Multi-country Brief (September 2023)



• WFP continues its engagement with donor and government partners to present the new Pacific MultiCountry Strategic Plan (2023-2027) and the plans for the region.

• WFP launched a Rome-based Agencies (RBA) collaboration initiative and held a first meeting with FAO and IFAD. The RBA task teams will explore areas of collaboration in various thematic areas.

• The Pacific Logistics Cluster developed a Pacific - Concept of Operations, September 2023. This instrument will support national and regional logistics stakeholders’ preparedness and response efforts.

Operational Updates

Supply Chain & Logistics

• The Pacific Logistics Cluster’s (PLC) concept of operations recognised the objective of the PLC as complementing and supporting regional and national disaster response and preparedness arrangements and identifying the logistics challenges that impact effective and efficient humanitarian response. In addition, it provided an overview of planned activities including coordination, information management, logistics services, preparedness and capacity strengthening.

• WFP participated in the Vanuatu Cyclone Response Lessons Learned Workshop organized by the Vanuatu National Disaster Management Office (NDMO). WFP discussed the successes, gaps, opportunities and lessons learned together with representatives from logistics, emergency telecommunications, gender and protection, food security and agriculture and other clusters, as well as NDMO and other ministries. WFP participated in the suppliers lessons learned workshop organized by the NDMO. WFP, NDMO and first responders together reviewed the response plans, recovery plans and challenges, and co-developed recommendations for disaster preparedness.

• WFP updated the logistics capacity assessment (LCA) in Tonga. The updated LCA provides latest baseline information about the logistics capacity related to humanitarian emergency preparedness and response, including infrastructure, processes and regulations, markets, and contacts.

• Following the capacity needs mapping undertaken for Vanuatu NDMO in 2022, WFP engaged with the Vanuatu NDMO to finalise a country capacity strengthening engagement plan. WFP plans to support the humanitarian emergency supply chain and logistics business process mapping of Vanuatu NDMO, to help all responders collaborate at the highest level.