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Fiji + 6 more

WFP Pacific Country Brief (August 2024)



• The 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting (PIFLM53) was held from 26 to 30 August in Tonga to address regional issues and advance a resilient Pacific. WFP co-hosted two side events: i) anticipatory action (AA), which focused on reviewing progress and sharing insights on anticipatory climate and disaster actions and financing; and ii) food system transformation, which explored how the Pacific can lead in transforming food systems to ensure resilience, sustainability and equity in the face of the increasingly frequent and intense impacts of climate change.

• WFP provided technical assistance to the Fiji Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways in finalizing their Annual Agriculture Production Survey Report, and to Tuvalu Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries in conducting their Agriculture Production Survey analysis.

Operational Updates

Supply Chain

• Following the logistics capacity assessments conducted in Tonga, WFP published the Logistics Capacity Assessments (LCAs) for Kiribati and Samoa. The findings provide first responders with the latest information about the logistics capacity related to humanitarian emergency preparedness and response, covering logistics infrastructure, processes and regulations, suppliers and contacts. WFP also conducted LCAs in Nauru and Niue, for the first time in these countries.

Emergency Telecommunication (ETC) Cluster

• As part of its capacity-strengthening initiative, the WFP-led Pacific ETC organized a continuous improvement workshop in the Kingdom of Tonga. Building on insights from a prior online training needs assessment, this interactive session aimed to evaluate Tonga's IT and communications emergency response capabilities and lay the groundwork for identifying future training needs.

Climate and Disaster Risk Financing

• WFP organized the first in-country workshop with Global Shield in Fiji on 5-6 August. The workshop provided a platform to consult national stakeholders, partners, and other agencies on the disaster risk financing priorities for Fiji. WFP introduced its capacity and system strengthening approach in the Pacific, and specifically its approach to Climate and Disaster Risk Financing, partnership with Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company (PCRIC) on macro insurance, and its work in the area of adaptive social protection.