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Tropical Cyclone Winston: Situation Update as of 22 February 2016


Situation Overview

  • Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Winston hit Fiji on 20 and 21 February with sustained winds of around 230 kmph. Early reports indicate 16 people have been killed and there has been extensive infrastructure damage to the affected areas particularly in the central and western areas of the islands (National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) Situation Report 19).

  • The Fiji National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) is leading the response to the emergency, coordinating efforts and the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) has been activated.

  • Many low-lying areas have been flooded and there are reports of extensive damage to the island of Koro, the northern Lau Group, Taveuni and Lomaiviti Group in the east. The Republic of Fiji Military Forces (RFMF) departs today to Koro with army engineers, plant equipment, non-food items (NFI) and rations to assist the people on Koro.

  • Although not activated, the Logistics Cluster through lead agency WFP is supporting relief efforts through logistics coordination and information management on behalf of the government and humanitarian community.

Land Transport

-The following roads are reported to be closed or have limited accessibility:

  • Savusavu Jetty: (Savusavu) CLOSED
  • Taveuni Jetty: (Blackpoint) CLOSED
  • Kings Road: (Naqoro Flats, Rakiraki) CLOSED
  • Kings Road: (Tavua to Rakiraki, Yaqara Bridge) CLOSED
  • Kings Road: (Drasa Flat) OPEN to Emergency Vehicles only
  • Queens Road: (Suva to Lautoka) OPEN – drive with caution
  • Labasa to Savusavu Hiway: OPEN – drive with caution
  • Labasa to Nabouwalu: OPEN – drive with caution

Air Transport

  • Nadi International Airport is reported to be currently open and operational following a high number of flight cancellations on 20 and 21 February.

Coordination/Information Management/GIS

Other Logistics Gaps or Bottlenecks

  • Stock is limited in the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) warehouse, therefore the government is reaching out to the humanitarian community for assistance.

  • Gale warnings remain in force for Fiji and Viwa Island. Damaging heavy swell warning remains inforce for low lying coastal areas of Fiji.