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Fiji + 4 more

Regional Pacific Food Security Cluster Quarterly Newsletter - Quarter 4 (Oct - Dec) 2016



  • Joint FAO-WFP support to Fiji Food Security & Livelihoods Cluster to complete Tropical Cyclone Winston Recovery Needs & Vulnerability Assessment

  • Cluster support, such as (training, workshops and remote support) activities and plans proposed for Solomon Islands, Fiji, and Vanuatu

  • Joint WFP-UNDP-rPFSCsupport to Solomon Islands Rapid Sectoral Assessment and 72-hr assessment tool training for Makira earthquake response

  • Regional Cluster facilitation support and contributions to assess support needs for integrating cluster coordination and DRR in FAO-led “Reducing Risk and Strengthening Resilience in Pacific Agriculture” workshop.

  • Cluster strategic plan and objectives developed

  • Cluster support team strengthened with IMO and co-coordination (WFP) capacities