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Fiji + 23 more

Pacific Syndromic Surveillance System Weekly Bulletin / Système de Surveillance Syndromique dans le Pacifique - Bulletin Hebdomadaire: W34 2022 (Aug 22-Aug 28)


Alerts :

AFR: Fiji (3 cases), CNMI (3 cases), Palau (2 cases), Wallis & Futuna (1 case)

COVID-19 : Cook Islands, CNMI, Niue, Palau

Dengue-like Illness (DLI) : Solomon Islands

Influenza-like Illness (ILI)

PSSS, EPI - WK 34, 2022 Influenza-like Illness (ILI) cases compared to WK 33, 2022 ILI cases are as tabulated as below for comparison. For an added perspective on the figures and trends percentage, country sentinel sites reporting for WKs 33 & 34 are also shown. Please refer Seasonal Influenza for regional updates.

  • Actual increase in the number of ILI cases is seen in CNMI, Fiji and Samoa.

  • Reduction in the number of ILI cases is seen in New Caledonia, Kiribati, Palau, Wallis & Futuna, Solomon Islands and Niue.

  • No ILI cases were reported from Cook Islands, Niue, Pitcairn Islands and Tokelau for the week.

  • No reports were available from French Polynesia, FSM, RMI, Tuvalu, Tonga and Vanuatu for the week.

  • American Samoa, Guam and Nauru have not participated in the surveillance.

  • Surveillance figures are not intended to capture all country cases but to describe trends over time and are invaluable when trends rise beyond country baselines which should then trigger alerts and timely actions to characterize the actual nature and magnitude of the disease.

  • For maintenance of surveillance for influenza and monitoring of SARS-CoV-2 adapting the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) and sentinel systems during the COVID-19 pandemic: Interim guidance

  • WHO guidelines for the implementation of the Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 Multiplex RT PCR Assay into the influenza and COVID-19 integrated surveillance Refer here

SARI (Severe Acute Respiratory Illness)

  • Severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) as reported from sentinel surveillance (4/18) sites through PSSS.


  • As of September 01, 2022 a total of 608,373,606 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed including 6,497,007 (1%) deaths and 584,643,712(99%) recoveries from 215 Countries and Territories. Out of this, currently 17,190,029(99.8%) are mild cases and 42,858 (0.2%) are serious cases.

  • As of September 01, 2022, in the Western Pacific Region, there were 84,371,498 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 260,364 deaths.

  • Pacific Island Countries COVID-19 situation report as follows:

  • Pacific dashboard COVID-19 can be accessed here.

  • Refer to weekly situation report for Epidemiological Update (31 August 2022)

  • The interim guidance on Public Health surveillance for COVID-19.

This guidance includes, 1) updated WHO case and contact definitions, priority groups and settings in line with the latest contact tracing and quarantine guidance, 2) updates of core and enhanced surveillance objectives and methods in various settings, including environmental and animal surveillance, 3) updated guidance on surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 variants, and 4) updates of COVID-19 surveillance reporting requirements to WHO, which includes the addition of new ICU admissions for COVID-19 treatment

  • The Federated States of Micronesia - COVID-19 updates (source: attached - FSM COVID19 SitRep 8.30.22)

Multi-country monkeypox

  • As of 01 September 2022, 50,496 laboratory confirmed cases and 321 probable cases of monkeypox including 16 deaths had been reported from 101 countries/territories of all six WHO regions. The majority of cases 24,172 cases and 3 deaths were from the Americas; the European Region accounted for 22,363 cases and 2 deaths, African Region 496 cases and 7 deaths, Eastern Mediterranean Region 39 cases, South-East Asia Region 18 cases and 1 death and Western Pacific Region 139 cases. New cases globally has increased by13.7% in week 34 (n = 6,746 cases) compared to week 33 (n = 5,931 cases). The majority of cases reported in the past 4 weeks were notified from the Region of the Americas (67.7%) and the European Region (31.4%) - Source