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Fiji: UNICEF Pacific Cyclone Winston Humanitarian Situation Report #11



  • Heavy rainfall from Tropical Depressions and Cyclone Zena caused extensive flooding in the Northern and Western Divisions, including Nadi and many of the areas previously hit by Cyclone Winston, disrupting relief efforts and destroying agriculture rehabilitation

  • The Official ‘State of Natural Disaster’ after Cyclone Winston, that began on 20 February, ended on 19 April 2016

  • UNICEF is still providing some humanitarian relief to hardest hit areas and families – especially those who were flooded twice or thrice – but is also applying early recovery approaches

  • UNICEF Cyclone Winston Appeal is 97% funded. UNICEF Pacific El Nino appeal is 0% funded.

UNICEF’s response with partners

  • US$ 2.39 million of UNICEF supplies (including logistical costs) have been provided to the Government of Fiji; some are still being distributed to the most affected people and schools.

  • 10,000 primary and secondary school students have received UNICEF-funded learning suppliesincluding student backpacks with stationery materials. 185 teachers received teaching materials thus far.

  • 42,217 children are back at early childhood education centres, primary schools and secondary schools including 24,215 children accessing education through UNICEF’s support.

  • UNICEF facilitated a workshop for 70 participants from Government, non-governmental organisations and the creative and design industry to produce the first ever Fijian storybooks, songs, posters, learning guides for children and caregivers for healing and resilience, after a traumatic event.

  • WASH Cluster partners, including UNICEF, have reached 65,727 people with hygiene supplies, the majority of which were delivered by the Ministry of Health and Medical Services.