Key messages
Damage to crops and livestock is estimated at USD 61 million. This figure will increase following the assessment of the fisheries subsector. With much of the country relying on subsistence production to meet their food needs, restoring agriculture and fishery-based livelihoods is critical to avoid dependency on food aid in the coming months.
Affected families urgently need food and agricultural assistance – including seeds, planting materials and farming equipment – to avoid food shortages and quickly replant crops.
Fijian women – a majority of whom rely on agriculture as their sole source of income – are particularly vulnerable to food insecurity, and must be a key focus of response efforts.
FAO requires USD 2.89 million to provide immediate crop, livestock and fisheries support to 25 370 cyclone-affected people. The medium- to long-term recovery costs will be greater, and have not been estimated at this time.